Pop Culture and Politics Blogzine


Follow me through many sleepless nights. . .

Friday, January 28, 2005

Hi-Hi Urusai!! Mango-Chan!!

Who is Mango-Chan?

I am a disorganized, opinionated, paniky, sexually frustrated, pompus, aggravated, anime watching, hot-natured, analyzing, movie addicted, JuMex drinking, tee-shirt wearing, Spanish speaking, calculating, methodical, unemployed, zoloft poppin', alcohol chugging, oatmeal eatin', spongebob loving, pink wearing, blog addicted, bi-polar, paranoid, passive agressive, techno dancin', wannabe clubbin', hypochondriatic, under the speed limit driving, puppy loving, computer addicted, Sims enthusiastic, poor writer and artist.

If that doesn't give you a good idea of who Mango-Chan is then nothing will.

I already have a blog that talks about my life in general. This site will be mostly article style writings and commentary. . . why? Because I feel like it. Topics on Mango-Chan range from: Music, Anime, Culture, to whatever I feel like posting. This nonchalant attitude is prevalent in blogs but I am too lazy right now to think of something else and blogger said I had to post inorder to alter my template so there you go.

Urusai!! Mango-Chan!!


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