Pop Culture and Politics Blogzine


Follow me through many sleepless nights. . .

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Technophile: Apple. . . Always the Innovators

After Apple released the iPod: Mini, U2 edition, Photo; the G5 tower; and the iMac G5 I thought surely they can't top this one, but they have one upped the game once again! Of course we all know about the iPod Shuffle. This little gadget is cute and cool. But if you thought the product was an end to itself, guess again. The iPod Shuffle is pretty much a bait so that you will come over to the "AppleSide" in a less costly move while tempting you to get the more expensive versions. Go Apple! I think the Shuffle is great. I have my regular iPod which I used to use all the time but these days I never go anywhere so there's no need :( I just hook up speakers to my iBook and Waa-la! I am listening to Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex's opening song. . . my new favorite song "Inner Universe" by Yoko Kanno.

iPod shuffle: Smaller than a pack of gum and much more fun.

But back to the subject at hand. The iPod Shuffle wasn't all Apple had up it's sleeve. They also put out a Mac Mini tower. It seems the best they can do with their products is make them sleeker and smaller. Of course we, the people just eat it up!! The Mac Mini tower has found it's place on my 'must have' list definitely. It is a G4 processor which is fine by me but the beauty of it is, this little computer takes up about as much space as the third Harry Potter book. If you haven't caught on by now. . . I am an Apple Geek. My only sore spot is that they don't have 'The Sims 2' out for it yet. . .but I hear talk of this coming May. I can wait :(

Apple also put out iLife '05 and the all new iWork '05. iWork is great if you publish anything. I love Pages. It is a great new desktop publishing software that was created with the grand Apple idea that 'Simple' is better. If only I had a newsletter to mail out. Hey, you guys want one?? Maybe some day. Right now I have too many better things to do.

Of course my favorite of the new Apple products is the Mini Tower because I am operating solely off a laptop these days. I wouldn't have that any other way except it's nice to have a back up! If only I hadn't quit my job there, I could still have that employee discount. If you're ever around the Pasadena store, tell 'em I said 'hi'.

Urusaii!! Mango-Chan!!

Saturday, January 29, 2005

New Things for Mango-Chan!!

Well, we have reached our cruising altitude of 35,000 feet ladies and gentlemen. In a few moments our stewardesses will be coming around with breakfast for your enjoyment. If you will look over to the right side of the blog you will see a number of navigation tools. If you scroll down about a page you will see our new Doodle Board. This thing is awesome. Though, by doodle we don't mean any activity that will require you to remove your pants. I hope to post comments on the Doodle Board about regular goings on since mostly the standard posts will be reserved for articles.

If none of this makes sense it's because I haven't been to sleep yet and it's 8:17AM EST and also because I have contracted a horrible case of brain parasites. I am NEVER eating PORK again!!

Note: I had to republish this post because in my sleep deprived stupor I created a link that looked like this "a href=http://doodle-board" I need to get to bed now.

Urusai!! Mango-Chan!!

Friday, January 28, 2005

Mango-Chan Blog Awards!!

I am now introducing the Mango-Chan Blog Award. For those of you who have worked so hard to make your blog interesting, funny, creative, or just plain awesome, here is the award for you. Do you feel like your blog is not getting the recognition it deserves? Do you feel like you've blogged religiously but never gotten propper attention, don't worry, we've all been there. As a Mango-Chan award winner, you will recieve the following awesome Mango-Chan ii blog banner as well as a link on the Blog Award Winners section of the Mango-Chan site . . . ahem. . .which will be up shortly.

13and2 mangoaward

Anyway, here are the guidelines for an award submission:

You must have a blog that is updated regularly
Your blog must be interesting
Your blog must hold more than 30 seconds of my attention

There you go! That's not hard is it?? The Mango-Chan award will be given out to those who fit the description to the highest standard. You may nominate your blog at Mango-Chan Email!

Your email should include the following:
The address of the blog being nominated
Your name and the site owner's name if you are not the owner
Why you think this site deserves the Mango-Chan award

Please refer to the guidelines above before submitting an address. Websites known not to be blogs will not be reviewed. I.e. if you submit the playboy site, we won't waste our time.

All blog submissions will be reviewed. The terms of the Mango-Chan Blog Award is that it must link back to the Mango-Chan Web Award Post so that others may submit their sites for our scrutiny! Ganbate!

Urusai!! Mango-Chan!!

Whatever: Brain Parasites, It Could Happen To You!

You begin to think, if I stay clean, if I don't have unprotected sex, if I wash my hands before I eat, perhaps I will stay well, but I am hear to tell you there is something out there that could kill us all: Brain Parasites.

These tiny little creatures seem small and insignificant. Sometimes you may think about parasites when it refers to your pet or boyfriend but hardly do you ever think that you, an amazingly careful and sanitary, okay, well slightly sanitary person would ever get such a thing as brain parasites. This is something that happens to people who swim in the Amazon River or traverse through the Congo while eating wild mushrooms, but nay I say! Brain Parasites can happen to you!

As humans, some of us more filthy than others, we already run the risks of several diseases and viral infections. We take many precautions to keep from contracting and transmitting germs but still we manage to find ourselves sick with a cold or the flu. Brain Parasites are no different. These tiny creatures can live in plants, water, or even other creatures, such as your boyfriend. I was highly surprized to find most of the information on the web applied to sci-fi movies or video games, most having to do with zombies. The horrible truth is that if you get brain parasites, you will not turn into a zombie, you will die. Okay, okay, perhaps you won't die, but I mean come on, if something is eating your brain, the logical conclusion is that eventually you will have no brain left. If I were you I'd worry.

I discovered a picture of a brain that was filled with maggots where a person had gotten a tumor. Now that is a scary prospect. Did the maggots come before or after he died. My ADHD attitude would not let me read more on it. Please feel free to research for yourselves. Yuck!

I also came across this page which made me want to throw up. I am going to the doctor asap so they can check me out. You should too! This particular site is only for those with strong stomachs: Tripple Ew! Get aload of those ass pics.

Here are some symptoms if you are faced with parasites living in your brain: Here is a great article by a Cal-Tech student. It tells about where you can get these parasites from and also what the effects are. Symptoms can range from as simple as a headache or nothing at all to seizures and even death. I am telling you. If you don't get checked out, you may never know what you are faced with. I feel sick, I might just go to the emergency room tonight!

Urusai!! Mango-Chan!!

Looking For Writers!

Mango-Chan is looking for a team of writers to put out articles . . . like whenever on like . . . whatever. Just kidding. Here are the catagories on which writers may post:

ShockCulture: ShockCulture articles should reflect things happening in pop culture: celebrities, cultural events, major happenings in the music, movie, and world arenas.

WildStyle: WildStyle articles are a great place to express current fashion trends, hot new designers, shoes, colors, home style, etc.

Politics-Shmolitics: Politics-Shmolitics will express the latest happenings with Dubbya and friends.

The Idiot Box: The Idiot Box is purely TV, newest shows of interest, major events where television programing is concerned. The perfect journalist for this area is more of an ecclectic when it comes to television rather than sticking with one type of genre, i.e. cartoons, dramas, comedies, etc.

Technophile: Technophile is all about what is going on in the computer world.

News@11: News@11 is basically things going on in the world, world news, local news of interest, funny stories like the one about the burglar who sues the family he is robbing . . . etc.

Whatever: This is strictly an opinion column. Views will be about just about anything the writer wishes and will also feature email questions from readers. This, though a more casual writing post, has a bit more responsibility to the public.

All Mango-Chan Ezine writers must adhere to a few rules:

Though we all love to curse, there are a few words that will take you from classy Ezine to trashy late night reading. Though the latter is fun, it will end as shameful as it begins. Please email Mango-Chan for acceptable explicatives.

Writers are responsible for once a week postings. Yeah yeah, no complaints. This is not some sort of once a year blog. . . we are going for Ezine people. . . EZINE!

In the future Mango-Chan Ezine may be able to pay you but right now, this is just experience writing! Which is so much more meaningful than money as I found when I was broke and had nothing to eat but experience. We've been there but this is a great opportunity to get a start.

Writers must proof-read their own writing as we are doing a blog style Ezine. If your post has a considerable amount of errors, it will be removed from the site.

Since I hate rules I am not going to think up anymore but I reserve the right to come up with them on the spot. Cry about it.

Please email Mango-Chan if you are interested in padding your resume by becoming a writer for this Ezine.

Link to Mango-Chan!!

If you'd like to link to the Mango-Chan Blogzine you can use the following image:


If you'd like to download the file just drag it onto your desktop. If you would prefer to use the html code, please copy and paste the following to your site template:

Here are some other ones you can use:


We are hosting on a free server so the file download option is much more preferable for our purposes but alas we would love the publicity anyhoo. So do whatever you wish.

Hi-Hi Urusai!! Mango-Chan!!

Who is Mango-Chan?

I am a disorganized, opinionated, paniky, sexually frustrated, pompus, aggravated, anime watching, hot-natured, analyzing, movie addicted, JuMex drinking, tee-shirt wearing, Spanish speaking, calculating, methodical, unemployed, zoloft poppin', alcohol chugging, oatmeal eatin', spongebob loving, pink wearing, blog addicted, bi-polar, paranoid, passive agressive, techno dancin', wannabe clubbin', hypochondriatic, under the speed limit driving, puppy loving, computer addicted, Sims enthusiastic, poor writer and artist.

If that doesn't give you a good idea of who Mango-Chan is then nothing will.

I already have a blog that talks about my life in general. This site will be mostly article style writings and commentary. . . why? Because I feel like it. Topics on Mango-Chan range from: Music, Anime, Culture, to whatever I feel like posting. This nonchalant attitude is prevalent in blogs but I am too lazy right now to think of something else and blogger said I had to post inorder to alter my template so there you go.

Urusai!! Mango-Chan!!